Thursday, April 23, 2009

A New View

Numbers v.s #

The correct way to write numbers in a paper is to spell out the single-digit numbers, and use numerals for any number greater than nine.

Correct Examples:
I want five copies.
I want 10 copies.

America the Beautiful

Essayist Dinesh D'Souza, believes the reason we are hated by so many is because we're so good. D'Sounza point is hard to argue with, seeing as how you witness this in everyday life. Sometimes when someone is overly perfect, it's irritating. I think D' Sounza makes a good point when he talks about America's "exceptionalism & universalism." I as well as many Americans are grateful for being able to live in the U.S. We have wonderful opportunity's. When D'Sounza talks about how our country is built on individuals shaping their own lives and making our own destiny's, this is a strong statement and is true. However i think that in other countries this just may not be as valued to individuals. Some people don't like to make their own decisions, and it is easier for them to be a follower as oppose to their own leader of their destiny.
When D'Sounza talks about us learning to appreciate our differences, this could not be anymore true. I think that is a huge aspect of life that needs o be worked on by many people, politically, religiously, physically, and mentally. Everyone is so different, looks different, raised different, believes different. Their is no right or wrong and it will forever be an ongoing debate.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Awe!!! The wonderful world of serving!!! lol Bahahah

Anthoer add where women are being objectifyed. This photo is disturbing. Yet is used in fashion magazines to sell clothes.. Never really pair much attention to photos like these, but now you can't help but notice.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In between writing modes?!?!?!

Argument mode & Cause & Effect
So I know what topic i am going to write about.. and YES i did change my mind.. Oops. But it is on Performance enhancing drugs and baseball.
I was thinking Argument mode would be a good route to go while writting this essay. I think it could be a strong paper if I use this mode. The fact that I would write the paper by showing specific details about performance enhancing drugs, evidence to how id effects an atheletes body/ performance, and also i could justify my position on the issue. I think those are all really great ways to support my opinon that players should be tested more regularly and that their should be harsher punishments for athletes who do use them.
On the other hand.....
Cause and effect is another mode that would work with my paper.
I would start with the subject... Explain the "cause and effect" of these performance enhancing drugs that are being used in baseball. as well as other sports, but thats the one i am writting about. And then go from there in explaining my opinion on the issue.