Thursday, February 24, 2011

No Strings Attached

This is a clip from "No strings attached"

The characters, Adam & Emma came to a decision that they were going to begin a relationship, one in which the outcome was simply to meet there physical needs. In our culture, I would assume that Adam would be the one who is perceiving this relationship to be purely physical with no intention of creating an emotional tie to Emma. The reason I mention this is simply because that is what seems to be more common. However in this particular clip, it is Emma who is searching for the reward of having a simple, non committed relationship. I think because people can create their own idea of what a conversations outcome is, they don't feel the need to express what they mean in further detail because we feel that their is this unspoken common knowledge between one another. How this relates to our discussion in class is that different cultures I think have these preconceived ideas about something, or a way that things are done which is not the same as another cultures idea of it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mozilla Leads the Way on Do Not Track

Commentary by Rainey Reitman:
Earlier today, Mozilla announced plans to incorporate a Do Not Track feature into their next browser release, Firefox 4.1. Google also announced a new privacy extension today, but we believe that Mozilla is now taking a clear lead and building a practical way forward for people who want privacy when they browse the web.

After reading this article, it makes me wonder if we will actually have complete privacy with this new feature. I have a feeling this will just be the next big thing to download, sort of like an application.
As of now, consumers who take steps to delete their cookies or use private browsing mode remain unable to prevent third parties from observing their clickstreams. So I wonder how effective it will be?!?!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Bachelor

I am watching The Bachelor right now and it just went to commercial break. The bachelor, Brad is about to make his decision at the rose ceremony. He had a few one on one times with some of the girls. I never really watch this show, but it was surprising to see how different the girls would act around him. They would especially act different when no one else was around. Many of the girls acted very shy and nervous when they were speaking to him in private. However, there was this one girl who took him in a room made him sit down and told him not to speak. She sat on his lap and kissed him and said "Now let's get rid of some girls". I'm watching it now that it is back on, and she was the girl he picked first to give a rose to. So from my observation I guess you could say he likes that type of intense communication style.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I believe it is an old t.v show that this link takes you. The video clip displays how mis communication can be caused by language barriers. The lady who was checking into her hotel room was speaking to the bell hop in a language he had not mastered. Along with her accent, it quickly became evident that the conversation was getting no where fast. Although this clip was posted for the humor aspect of it, I found it fitting as a simple example as how messages can be interpreted incorrectly.

Monday, January 24, 2011

50 New Words...

An article by Betsy Towner in AARP, explains that there is over 50 new words/ expressions being printed in the world's top English dictionaries. I happened to find this interesting.

-Automagically: adv. Automatically in a way that seems magical.

-Bromance: (just noting, the internet does not agree this is a real word.. because it is underlined in red right now.) noun. Close platonic male friendship.

-Webisode: noun. Episode or short film made for viewing online.

-Friend: To add to a list of personal associates on a website.

-Tweet: noun. Posting made on the social networking site Twitter.

-Buzzkill: Person or thing that has a depressing effect.

There are so many more. It is quite funny.
And how this relates to communication; it displays the evolution of language..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Spy in Your Hand

According to Sid Kirchheimer, in an article called "Scam Proof Your Life" in AARP, there is supposedly an application software that can be programmed into your phone that sends a message to the spy indicating all activity. The phone can even be turned into a surreptitious microphone.
I find this type of technology compelling yet scary at the same time. I read that is can be used by controlling parents, suspicious spouses, or even scam artists. It seems we have become far too technologically dependent and this can lead to such situations as our information becoming accessible to scammers.